Sunday, December 12, 2010

One More Week...

Christmas is quickly approaching and I can sense the excitement and anxiety of my students--they are ready to get out for a few weeks, just like I was when I was in high school. I can see the fatigue of my students and can sense their desire to be anywhere but school. I've also had to dig deep and push myself to provide every one of my students with the energy and attention they deserve. The holiday music is playing and "Elf" is running every night on TBS. How am I supposed to focus on school?!

As I mentioned in the last post, I have been teaching every single period during the school day (every teacher gets 1 period off to "plan" and maintain sanity). I took over a geometry class for two weeks and am having a blast. Tenth grades are much different from juniors and seniors. I walk in essentially blind every morning, not knowing what is "planned" for the day. So, I've had a good time learning WITH the students. We have mastered how to find areas and perimeters of complex figures. It also fun to know that you're doing something special for students that you aren't used to seeing. They all exclaim that they want me to stay as their permanent teacher. I may indeed have many of them next semester as I'm teaching a tenth grade test prep class. Overall, it has been a fun experiencing...a nice change of pace.

This week will be rather hectic as there are assemblies and mandated tests. There is also snow in the forecast. Last week D.C. got its first snowfall and everyone in my class stopped taking the exam they were supposed to be doing and ran to the window to check it out...

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