Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

I just finished my first day of school! It was quite an experience, but nothing too unexpected happened. In the morning my room was randomly assigned to be a holding ground for all of the students with a last name of S, so I was the coordinator that needed to get them the appropriate schedule, etc. They were in my room for a full 45 minutes. It was exciting to be part of the "buzz" that is the first day of school. All of the students were seeing their friends for the first time in months perhaps, anxious to get their new agenda books, and eagerly anticipating the first football game Friday. It was fun to be part of it all. This time, however, I was the man shouting to get to class.

Each period I taught ran really smoothly. My teacher voice helps that I think. I had 30 students in my first period, an SAT prep class. All the students have aspirations to go to college, so they were all invested in what I was saying. I then  had a nice long planning period because we are on block schedules. Then my 3rd period class only had 12 students they were all great. My 4th period class had some characters--they were quite chatty, but I managed to lead them through our agenda.

Overall it was a tremendous first day. The students are all great and brilliant in their own ways. It should be an exciting year...

I'll post more specifics once I get to know the students better. I will leave everyone with this line that Briana spoke at the end of class:

"Mr. Athmer, most teachers just come in and get a paycheck. We will give you all we have if you care. If you care to make the class fun and exciting and not just normal."

That is my intention.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on Day 1. Only 30 more years and you can retire! Have fun with the new laptop. Now your students can view your powerful PowerPoint presentations. Kettering school buses are also rolling this morning. Another school year underway.
